NSPE PE Institute
NSPE PE Institute On-Demand WORKability Wednesday Webinars - Free to NSPE Members
Mon, Apr 25 2022 at 12:00 am EDT
Amplifying the Current Infrastructure for the Imminent EV Transition
Experience Level: Any level of experience
The transition to electric vehicles has been led mostly by relative newcomers to the automobile industry while traditional automakers have been amping up their plans and offerings for new BEV and PHEV vehicles. With many governments revealing plans to "ban" gas-powered automobiles by 2050, 2035, or even 2030, the transition will be happening.
While there are numerous private charging network companies expanding the charging infrastructure for EVs throughout the country, the same governments continue to evaluate how best to support the improvements to infrastructure within their jurisdictions and how best to support private and public entities alike on providing these facilities.
We will look back at trends and attempts over the past 15 years for providing infrastructure to support EV owners as well as evaluating current trends and how these trends support and prepare for extensive adoption of EVs and the transition of the fleet. We will evaluate case studies and discuss applications of Level I, II, and III charging, autonomous charging, battery swapping, and wireless charging. While the end result is to provide charge to an automobile, the solutions and infrastructure supporting the solutions are not a one-size-fits-all approach.
Learning Objectives:
1. Attendees will know the types of charging infrastructure and electrical system demands.
2. Attendees will understand the impact of the transition to EVs on existing infrastructure and customer/user behavior.
3. Attendees will be able to identify opportunities and risks for charging infrastructure implementation.
1 PDH (NY Approved)
NSPE Members: FREE
Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)
To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store.
Wed, Jun 12 2024 at 2:00 pm EDT
DEI or ‘die’ – A Noteworthy Discussion
Presented by NSPE’s Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Advisory Committee.
Experience Level: Any level of experience
The subject of representing ALL voices and life experiences in the world of engineering is often times contentious. This presentation looks at the subject of DEI from the perspective of engineers with differing life experiences. Quite often, the input of those engineers with different life experiences that diverge from the perspectives of what are considered to be the 'best and brightest' practices are relegated as an after-thought or outright ignored. There are those that feel strongly that DEI does not belong in the engineering profession. After all, physics is physics regardless of sex, race, sexual orientation, religion, etc. Not only will this webinar examine that premise, it will also bring to light many of the experiences and needs of the various members of the public that have long gone unheard - and in too many cases have resulted in needless deaths as a result of clinging to the 'best and brightest' engineering approaches. This webinar will highlight that the terms ‘best and brightest’ are often based on a purely self-centric premise. We’ll discuss and point to clear examples of why the definition of ‘best and brightest’ is quite different depending upon the definer.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Attendees will recognize that important aspects of successful engineering projects will require a diverse set of life experiences/perspectives.
2. Attendees will learn that a homogeneous perspective is not capable of seeing nor understanding the needs of a heterogeneous society.
3. Attendees will learn that the key to employee retention, contribution and happiness is understanding, respecting and accepting the concept that each employee has differing needs and expectations.
NSPE Members: FREE
Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)
To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store.
Richard B. Easley, President
Rick Guerra, P.E., F.NSPE, President/CEO
Betty Jean Jordan, P.E., President
Britt E. Smith, P.E., Operations Division Director
Wed, May 29 2024 at 2:00 pm EDT
Designing Fire Protection Systems - The Role of the Engineer and Engineering Technician
NSPE’s certification division, National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) presents this webinar in support of National Building Safety Month.
Experience Level: Any level of experience
This presentation will discuss Position Statement 2020-1 The Engineer and the Engineering Technician Designing Fire Protection Systems published by SFPE and endorsed by AFSA and other industry associations. Specifically, this presentation will examine the roles of engineers and the engineering technician and specific roles and responsibilities that each party is responsible for during the life cycle of a fire-protection project.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Define the minimum National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying’s
2. (NCEES) educational requirements and years of experience to become a licensed professional engineer.
3. Explain the role of the fire protection engineer.
4. Explain different levels of a NICET designer.
5. Explain the role of the fire design technician.
6. Explain responsibilities of the fire protection engineer.
7. Explain responsibilities of the fire design technician.
NSPE Members: FREE
Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)
To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store.
John Denhardt, P.E., ET, CWBSP, FSFPE, Vice President, Engineering & Technical Services
Linda Biernacki, President
Michael Aitken, P.E., F.NSPE, DFE, CxA, LEEP AP O+M, Vice President
Wed, Apr 12 2023 at 2:00 pm EDT
Doing Bad Things for Good Reasons: An Examination of Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior Among Professional Workers::Webinar
Experience Level: Any level of experience
Unethical behavior in organizations can be extremely costly. It exposes firms to direct costs, such as fines, settlements, and legal expenses, as well as indirect costs like damage to the firm’s reputation. This presentation will examine when employees perform unethical acts to benefit the organization (i.e., unethical pro-organizational behavior), what factors contribute to it, and what professional engineering firms can do to reduce unethical behavior at work. Participants will leave with a specific, documented plan to reduce unethical behavior in their workplace, drawing upon the latest research and customizing solutions to their needs
Learning Outcomes:
•To understand unethical pro-organizational behavior and factors that contribute to it.
•To understand strategies for mitigating the risk that professional workers will act unethically to benefit the organization.
•To understand the potential dark side, or unintended consequences, of professional workers identifying with their organization.
1 PDH (NY Approval Pending)
NSPE Members: FREE
Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)
To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store.
Kyle Payne, PhD, Consultant
Wed, Nov 30 2022 at 2:00 pm EST
Election Recap: How Can PEs Prepare for the 2023 Legislative Session
Experience Level: Any level of experience
2022 State and Federal Election Results
Now that the elections are over, what has changed. Professional engineers need to know how the results of the election have changed the political landscape in their state and what they should plan for in 2023. Additionally, attendees should be aware of if/how the elections have impacted Congress. Professional engineers should gain a greater understand of the new priorities for the 118th Congress. Communication and social media tips for legislative engagement
Social media can serve as a powerful tool to call attention to issues facing professional engineers and the communities they serve. Take advantage of your opportunity to advocate for the P.E. community and the public welfare by engaging with elected officials from your keyboard to the capital. In this session, we’ll share best practices for getting your message heard by lawmakers and shared on social media. We’ll also address some opportunities for coordinated legislative outreach during Engineers Week. Learn the essentials of effective online and in-person communication and find tips for getting a response from your representatives.
Planning, building, and maintaining an effective state advocacy program
All fifty states have professional engineer licensure laws but requirements and qualifications to earn a license can vary from state to state. Licensure for key positions and project management can vary state to state. Additionally, there is a trend of legislation seen in state capitals questioning the role of licensure, including licensed professional engineers. How well positioned is your state in protecting its licensure laws? Building a state advocacy program has never been more important and there many ways professional engineers can be involved in the process to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public.
Learning Objective:
1. The results of the election
2. Whether a different political party took control of your State legislature
3. If/How those changes will affect the legislative agenda
4. Communication Tips - Social Media, letter writing, 1-pagers, etc.
5. How to plan, build, and maintain an effective state advocacy program
NSPE Members: FREE
Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)
To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store.
Travis Lowe, CAE, Executive Director
Brandon Schall, Sr. Manager, Government Relations & Advocacy
Sean Woods, Manager, Marketing
Wed, Jun 15 2022 at 2:00 pm EDT
Engineering: Addressing Unintended Consequences as a Professional::Webinar
Experience Level: Any level of experience
This session explores the many cases where the engineering ‘cure’ is worse than the initial problem. Mr. Easley walks through basic scenarios where forethought and adequate stakeholder involvement could have prevented some major problems. The session provides some ‘checklist’ items to consider that can give engineers the ability to see into the future and prevent catastrophic problems before they are created. In addition, Mr. Easley highlights some solutions that have yielded benefits wildly beyond those anticipated by the designers. Attendees should leave this session with reasons to think before they implement their ‘perfect’ design.
Learning Objective:
After attending this presentation, attendees will have a new thought process that can be used in any type of engineering solution design.
1 PDH (NY Approved)
NSPE Members: FREE
Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)
To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store.
Richard B. Easley, President
Wed, May 1 2024 at 2:00 pm EDT
Enhancing Building Safety: Mitigating Risks of Slips, Trips, and Falls
NSPE is collaborating with our partners at the National Academy of Forensic Engineers (NAFE) to support National Building Safety Month.
Experience Level: Any level of experience
Slips, trips, and falls (STF) are among the leading causes of accidents and injuries in buildings worldwide, posing significant challenges to public safety and liability issues. This presentation will discuss the various aspects of building safety concerning slips, trips, and falls, emphasizing proactive measures and best practices for risk mitigation.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Participants will be able to define slips, trips, and falls.
2. Participants will be able to identify common causes, risk factors, and associated hazards related to slips, trips, and falls.
3. Participants will be able to identify methods for preventing slips, trips, and falls.
NSPE Members: FREE
Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)
To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store.
Yoandi Interian, P.E., Senior Engineer
Wed, Apr 6 2022 at 2:00 pm EDT
Ethical Case Insights Part I: Disclosing, Standing Your Ground, and Dealing with Conflicts::Webinar
Experience Level: Any level of experience
Join a panel of experts who will discuss three of the latest cases available in the NSPE’s Board of Ethical Review Cases. Panelists will examine the consequences of failure to disclose material information, standing your ground when you are not the Engineer in Responsible Charge, and dealing with conflicting duties. One of the most important aspects of the discussion will be around the formal dissent to one of the cases: It is a great demonstration of the need for conversation about ethics – there is not always a single right answer.
1. Participants will be equipped to identify the consequences of failure to disclose material information.
2. Participants will be empowered to stand their ground when they are not the Engineer in Responsible Charge;
3. Participants will be able to evaluate conflicting duties and establish an approach to resolution.
1 PDH (NY Approved)
NSPE Members: FREE
Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)
To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store.
Rebecca A. Bowman, Esq., P.E., D.F.E., Senior Director for Ethics and Professional Practice
David Kish, Ph.D., P.E., M. NSPE,
Susan Sprague, P.E., F. NSPE, Senior Associate
Wed, May 4 2022 at 2:00 pm EDT
Ethical Case Insights Part II: Keeping the Public Safe, Receiving Gifts, and Questioning Design Responsibility::Webinar
Experience Level: Any level of experience
Join a panel of experts who will discuss three of the latest cases available in the NSPE’s Board of Ethical Review Cases. Panelists will examine ethical issues surrounding one of the most important recent examples around protecting the public health, welfare, and safety. They will peer closely at the issue of receiving and accepting gifts. And we will take look at a by-stander’s concern about who was in Responsible Charge of an equipment design certification. Panelists will share personal examples of situations in which they faced related ethical quandaries.
1. Participants will be empowered to stand their ground when their advice regards the public’s health, welfare, and safety is overruled.
2. Participants will be able to evaluation the ethical challenge of gifts and establish an approach to resolution.
3. Participants will be equipped to determine an approach when they have concerns about the actual control exercised by the engineer in Responsible Charge.
1 PDH (NY Approved)
NSPE Members: FREE
Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)
To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store.
Rebecca A. Bowman, Esq., P.E., D.F.E., Senior Director for Ethics and Professional Practice
Mark Dubbin, P.E., LEED AP, Fire Protection Engineer
Craig N Musselman, P.E., F.NSPE, President
Wed, Oct 12 2022 at 2:00 pm EDT
Ethical Case Insights: Lessons in Disclosure::Webinar
Experience Level: Any level of experience
A team of presenters from the NSPE Board of Ethical Review will analyze six scenarios involving different aspects of an engineer's duty to disclose. The scenarios will fall into three areas: When the client doesn't want to ask the right questions, when the client doesn't know to ask the right questions, and when you wish the client wouldn't ask the right questions. These three cases are newly issued by the Board of Ethical Review, so participants will be among the first to consider them.
Learning Objective:
When the client doesn't want to ask the right questions,
when the client doesn't know to ask the right questions,
and when you wish the client wouldn't ask the right questions.
NSPE Members: FREE
Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)
To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store.
Rebecca A. Bowman, Esq., P.E., D.F.E., Senior Director for Ethics and Professional Practice
Craig N Musselman, P.E., F.NSPE, President
David Kish, Ph.D., P.E., M. NSPE,
William D. Lawson, P.E., Ph.D., F. NSPE, Associate Professor
Wed, Apr 26 2023 at 2:00 pm EDT
Ethical Insights: Lessons in Reporting::Webinar
Experience Level: Any level of experience
Using the most recent cases from the Board of Ethical Review, attendees with gain insight to the duty of engineers to report. One case will examine the duty to report all available information and that acts of omission can be just as dangerously unethical as acts of commission. The second case will consider the duties of an engineer when observing an issue that is unrecognized by the public. The third case will analyze the engineer’s duties when a submission is mischaracterized. The final case will examine the issue of whether or not ethical duties are changed by changes in legal liability.
Learning Outcomes:
•Recognizing a duty to report all available information.
•Recognizing a duty to report an unrecognized issue.
•Recognizing a duty to report a mischaracterization of status.
•Recognizing the ethical implications of a change in liability.
1 PDH (NY Approved)
NSPE Members: FREE
Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)
To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store.
Rebecca A. Bowman, Esq., P.E., D.F.E., Senior Director for Ethics and Professional Practice
David Kish, Ph.D., P.E., M. NSPE,
Thu, Nov 2 2023 at 12:00 am EDT
Exploring Digital Twins in Water Industry
Experience Level: Any level of experience
Digital Twins in the Water industry is a growing arena and this presentation explains the basics of creating digital twins and their usage and application in the water industry.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Basics elements needed to build a system’s digital twin
2. Understanding basic steps involved in building a digital twin
3. Troubleshooting errors in building a digital twin
4. How to use the results of a digital twin
1 PDH (NY Approved)
NSPE Members: FREE
Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)
To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store.
Wed, Oct 26 2022 at 2:00 pm EDT
How Blockchain Protects Public Safety: A Working Solution
Experience Level: Any level of experience
The growing gap between the physical and digital worlds exposes an existential threat to building safety. We cannot prove who authored the documents, yet we use them to construct buildings and structures for public use.
Offices all over the world throughout the supply chain copy, forward, upload, and attach digital documents generally trusted as the actual copy of the licensed professional's instructions. We purchase, fabricate, ship, install, commission, inspect, and approve occupancy certificates for bridges, buildings, and roads with nothing more than blind trust. We need proof that the professional's original instructions are uncorrupted along the entire supply chain of decisions.
The Build3 Blockchain provides proof of authorship and resolves this dilemma.
This presentation covers essential technical information about how blockchain works, how it resolves the supervision dilemma, and how adoption is non-disruptive. The presentation includes a demonstration of a working prototype.
Learning Objectives:
- The vulnerability in the practice of regulated engineering
- The fundamental technical principles of blockchain
- How this technology solves the proof of supervision security vulnerability
- The importance of the proposed development framework in customizing an industry specific solution
1 PDH (NY Pending)
NSPE Members: FREE
Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)
To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store.
Kenneth Shultz, PE, RCDD, MEP Engineer, Founder
Wed, Sep 13 2023 at 12:00 am EDT
How New PFAS Regulations will impact Water and Wastewater Utilities
Experience Level: Any level of experience
As you are likely already aware, there is much movement now from EPA about PFAS in water, wastewater, landfills, biosolids and industry. EPA has recently updated its Lifetime Health Advisory limit for PFAS, has begun initiation of Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule 5 (UCMR5) with a focus on measuring PFAS in drinking water, and is laying the foundation for future regulation of PFAS in wastewater treatment through the NPDES program. The new proposed PFAS drinking water MCLs are expected to finalize late 2023. Most water utilities will be complying with state and federal water quality regulations, but “the public is not going to be satisfied with these answers because a health advisory isn’t a binding regulation.” It is only a matter of time before we will have to comply with new PFAS regulatory requirements regarding this potential contaminant.
Learning Outcomes:
1. What to expect from the EPA roadmap and timelines for upcoming legislation for wastewater and biosolids management
2. Solutions to the challenges of selecting a PFAS treatment system, permitting process, constructability, and operation including current PFAS waste disposal alternatives
3. Options for PFAS destruction technologies and associated costs
1 PDH (NY Approved)
NSPE Members: FREE
Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)
To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store.
Wed, May 17 2023 at 2:00 pm EDT
Keep Yourself in the Game: A Panel of Women PE Leaders Present their Strategies for Successful Work/Life Balance
Organized by the NSPE Women's Leadership Program Task Force
Experience Level: Any level of experience
This session will be a moderated panel discussion with members of the Women's Leadership Program Task Force. We all wear many hats with multiple responsibilities. Sometimes our personal lives bleed into our work lives and vice versa as we attempt to manage it all. The panel members will discuss their individual approaches to dealing with the demands of their professional engineering work and their personal lives while avoiding burnout. Each of our panel members will share strategies and techniques for achieving work-life balance allowing for successful navigation of their careers with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction both professionally and personally. Participants will leave with a host of tested tips, tricks and techniques.
Learning Outcomes:
Attendees will learn several techniques for prioritizing, maintaining energy and focus, and personal management and know how to adapt these tools for their own use.
NSPE Members: FREE
Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)
To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store.
Tricia Hatley, P.E., F.NSPE, Executive Vice President Operations, Central Plains and Southeast US Regions
Monica Fulkerson, PE, Senior Environmental Engineer
Daphne King, P.E.,
Victoria Ballestero, PE, MBA, ENV SP, Vice President and Operations Manager
Wed, May 15 2024 at 2:00 pm EDT
Lidar Illuminated: Revolutionizing Engineering Design and Building Analysis
NSPE is collaborating with our partners at the National Academy of Building Inspection Engineers (NABIE) to support National Building Safety Month.
Experience Level: Any level of experience
LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology represents a transformative force in architectural design and building analysis. This presentation introduces participants to the fundamental concepts of LiDAR, elucidating its operational mechanics—how it uses laser beams to measure distances and create high-resolution, three-dimensional maps of environments and structures. As we explore LiDAR's capabilities, we focus on its precision in gathering hyper-accurate spatial data, which is pivotal for modern engineering and architectural endeavors.The precision of LiDAR data not only enhances the design and planning processes but also plays a critical role in problem identification and resolution during project lifecycles. Engineers and architects leverage this data to detect potential issues early in the construction phase, ranging from structural vulnerabilities to unforeseen environmental impacts, thereby mitigating risks and enhancing safety. The presentation will delve into specific case studies, such as the use of LiDAR in the reconstruction of Notre Dame, demonstrating how detailed data facilitates the preservation of cultural heritage while adhering to modern safety standards.This discussion aims to highlight how LiDAR is revolutionizing the field by providing architects and engineers with the tools necessary for more informed decision-making, ensuring precision and efficiency in both design and execution of architectural projects.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand the Fundamental Concepts of LiDAR Technology: Participants will learn about the basic principles of LiDAR, including its mechanisms like Light Detection and Ranging and Time of Flight measurements, and how these principles allow for the creation of high-resolution 3D spatial data
2. Explore LiDAR Applications in Design and Building Analysis: Attendees will be able to identify how LiDAR technology is applied in various architectural processes such as Building Information Modeling (BIM), site analysis, and topographical mapping, enhancing accuracy, efficiency, and sustainability in design and construction.
3. Identify Structural and Safety Concerns in Engineering Projects: Learners will explore how LiDAR technology enhances engineering workflows by providing detailed and accurate 3D data, which is crucial for identifying potential structural weaknesses or safety issues early in the design and construction phases, thereby facilitating proactive risk management.
NSPE Members: FREE
Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)
To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store.
Mark Waldman, PE, SE, LEED AP, Principal Engineer - Owner
Aaron Parks, Vice President of Architecture and Design
Rye Waldman, Director of Engineering and Building Research
Mon, Apr 25 2022 at 12:00 am EDT
Mapping the Seabed Using UAVs and Semi-autonomous Vessels
Experience Level: Any level of experience
UAVs are in every technician's toolbox. Surveyors use UAVs for volume computations and topographic mapping, integrity engineers for inspections at height or confined spaces.
Data is easy to capture but can be difficult to manipulate. How much of this depends on the UAV, the sensors and payloads, along with operator proficiency.
How can we integrate UAV data into currently existing datasets or even combine UAV captured data with other spatially referenced data such as shallow water bathymetry.
This webinar will discuss the evolution of the UAV, available sensors, combining spatially referenced data and why choosing the right payload fwill ultimately determine how efficient your drone program is.
Learning Objectives:
1. Picking an UAV involves an understanding of the sensors and payload capability
2. Understanding of spatial information collected and how to merge or ensure seamless coverage
3. Evolution of UAVs and operator proficiency
1 PDH (NY Pending)
NSPE Members: FREE
Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)
To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store.
Wed, Nov 16 2022 at 2:00 pm EST
Navigating the Ethical Dilemmas that Arise in Every Day Engineering Practice::Webinar
Experience Level: Any level of experience
Lessons from the greatest engineering ethical lapse in American history. A webinar focused on navigating the common dilemmas that arise in everyday engineering practice including: Why Ethics? the fundamental principles, the significance of the professional seal, how to maintain your license, integrity and sanity. Sources of trouble and how to stay out of it. Best practices- pick your clients and projects carefully. The importance of good business practices. Is it unethical to competitively bid? Dealing with emerging technologies.
Learning Objective:
Why Codes of Ethics are important
How to a manage ethical dilemmas
How to manage conflicts of interest
1 PDH (NY Approval Pending)
NSPE Members: FREE
Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)
To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store.
David Thaler, BSCE, MBA, MA, PE, LS, DFE, D.WRE, FRGS, F.ASCE, F.NSPE, President
T Andrew Brown, BSCE, PE, Project manager
Wed, Apr 3 2024 at 2:00 pm EDT
NSPE's Board of Ethical Review Presents: The Duty to Act
Experience Level: Any level of experience
Members of the Board Ethical Review will present, analyze, and discuss four cases from among the most recently published additions to the BER library. The primary focus is on the duty to act. Cases include the duty to report misconduct, two different situations and perspectives on the appropriate courses of actions when applicable authorities refuse to act, and a cutting edge case involving the tension between duty to one's employer and the duty to dissent.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Participants will be able to recognize misconduct and the duty to report.
2. Participants will be able to recognize when they have a duty to escalate.
3. Participants will be able to evaluate alternative approaches when seeking to balance the tension between duty to the employer/client and the duty to dissent.
1 PDH (NY Approved)
NSPE Members: FREE
Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)
To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store.
Rebecca A. Bowman, Esq., P.E., D.F.E., Senior Director for Ethics and Professional Practice
Jeffrey H. Greenfield, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE, F. NSPE, Project Manager
Travis L. Rhoades, PE, Senior Bridge Engineer
Wed, Oct 25 2023 at 12:00 am EDT
Professional Engineering Ethics, Risk, and Liability with Technology
Experience Level: Any level of experience
Software has eaten the world. The rapid change in technological advancement is outpacing how to manage and/or protect public health, safety, and welfare from new emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and robotics underpinned by open-source software as the foundation. Many engineered systems today are enhanced and modified digitally while being integrated into physical systems in our world. Digital modernization includes terms such as Software Factory, Software Supply Chain, DevSecOps, Cybersecurity, Software Bill of Material, and Open-Source Software. Digital systems and tools are impacting our end products, design, and implementation processes. Many questions remain unanswered regarding ethics, liability, and responsibility. Software warrants how engineers should be accountable to protect the public’s security and welfare. Software is being embedded into our defense, infrastructure, and control systems. The public looks to this profession to prevent digital accidents and fatalities, which have already occurred with improper fundamentals outside of the Professional Engineers' purview and oversight. Critical aspects of these systems require prevention, isolation, and remediation of errors, mistakes, attacks, and breaches. We must not ignore that the world will continue to automate, integrate, and innovate using software. This presentation is critical for standards and certification. It provides guidelines to measure the safety readiness of software technologies under consideration for deployment. It is intended for public policy decision-makers, regulators, engineers, developers, legal, operations, security leaders, and others. We strongly encourage the understanding, process, and platforms that are changing and your role in the transformation to a digital world.
Learning Outcomes:
Learning outcomes will discuss:
1. the risk and events that are threatening the safe, secure integration and deployment of systems in today’s digital world,
2. demonstrate the skills people should consider as the minimum standard of care,
3. the technology to support ongoing efforts, and
4. the need for certification as our professional obligation.
1 PDH (NY Approved)
NSPE Members: FREE
Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)
To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store.
Wed, Jun 7 2023 at 2:00 pm EDT
Racing Towards Excellence: Enhancing Customer Experience and Improving Safety at Churchill Downs
Experience Level: Any level of experience
Over the past two decades, Churchill Downs, renowned for its prestigious horse racing events, has undergone a series of remarkable capital improvement projects to elevate the customer experience and prioritize safety for all stakeholders involved, including jockeys, patrons, and horses. Leading the charge in this transformative journey, Qk4 has played a pivotal role in numerous projects that have redefined the racetrack.
The West Campus Expansion and Parking Improvement Project marked a significant milestone in Qk4's involvement. This ambitious endeavor encompassed a comprehensive consolidation, expansion, and upgrade of the primary guest parking lot at Churchill Downs. Aligned with a campus-wide initiative to enhance safety, functionality, aesthetics, and the overall user experience for racing patrons, Phase 1 of the project involved a complete reconfiguration and modernization of the parking facilities. Previously characterized by inefficient spaces and remnants of cleared residential blocks, the redesign covered a sprawling 60-acre expanse. To create a modern parking lot facility, old city streets and alleys were strategically closed, paving the way for a fully landscaped parking lot. A focal point of the design is the 4-lane primary transportation corridor, Derby Drive, which seamlessly connects Central Avenue and Longfield Avenue. The parking lot's versatility caters not only to daily functions but also to the massive influx of visitors during the highly anticipated Derby week, featuring temporary reconfigurations for shuttle bus systems and staging areas.
Learning Outcomes:
Gain knowledge on the history of Churchill Downs and the Kentucky Derby and it's economic impacts on the state of Kentucky. Learn about recent improvement projects to enhance the customer experience and also projects to improve equine/horseman safety and expand the racing operations.
NSPE Members: FREE
Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)
To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store.
Neal Crawford, P.E., Project Manager
Wed, Apr 17 2024 at 2:00 pm EDT
Second Best Protection Against Risk
Experience Level: Any level of experience
This presentation will disassemble the mechanics of professional liability insurance, review NSPE's annual survey of professional liability carriers, examine subtle forms of risk transfer which can sound reasonable in conversation but be catastropic in application, and discuss some claims and cases which had surprising outcomes.
This webinar is 90 minutes.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Correlate contractual insurance requirements with coverage
2. Recognize risk transfer language
3. improve understanding of the current insurance and liability landscape
1.5 PDHs
NSPE Members: FREE
Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)
To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store.
Rebecca A. Bowman, Esq., P.E., D.F.E., Senior Director for Ethics and Professional Practice
Kodi Jean Verhalen, Esq., P.E., Partner
Frank Musica, Esq., Professional Liability Risk Advisor
Wed, Oct 19 2022 at 2:00 pm EDT
Setting and Verifying Corporate Sustainability Goals Across Environmental, Social, and Governance Topics

Track: Stay Informed about Issues and Trends Impacting the Profession (Sponsored by Pennoni)
Experience Level: Any level of experience
U.S. corporate sustainability goals, metrics, and reporting are changing rapidly and have an effect on engineering decision-making and documentation. Sustainability data assurance is becoming more prevalent and potential regulations are on the horizon. Rather than wait for mandatory Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) customer/government requirements and disclosures- come hear what you can do now to stay ahead.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand how Sustainability and ESG issues, risks, and opportunities reach far beyond publicly listed companies
- Identify double materiality
- Implement sustainability governance
- Know how sustainability disclosure and assurance can play a constructive role in your organization
1 PDH (NY Approved)
NSPE Members: FREE
Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)
To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store.
Christopher Geiger, P.E., Director of Internal Audit
Wed, Nov 29 2023 at 12:00 am EST
The Ethics of the Cutting Edge
Experience Level: Any level of experience
Participants will explore the ethics of both introducing and incorporating cutting edge technologies into their work. One focus will be the examination and evaluation of consequences, both immediate and long-term. Guidance will be provided about using total life-cycle cost approaches.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Attendees will understand when to introduce cutting edge techniques to their clients as options.
2. Attendees will understand when to incorporate cutting edge techniques in design and maintenance.
3. Attendees will expand their understanding of ways to identify and evaluate consequences.
4. Attendees will expand their understanding of total life-cycle cost analysis.
1 PDH (NY Approved)
NSPE Members: FREE
Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)
To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store.
Mon, Apr 18 2022 at 12:00 am EDT
The Future of Wichita's Water - The Northwest Water Treatment Facility
Experience Level: Any level of experience
The City of Wichita provides water for nearly 500,000 customers, 1 out of every 6 Kansas residents. Aging infrastructure has necessitated the design and construction of a new 120 MGD firm capacity water treatment facility, the Northwest Water Facility (NWWF). The facility will be the second largest water treatment project in the country during construction and Wichita’s largest ever capital project. The City has chosen to use the progressive design-build delivery method and will fund the project through Kansas State Revolving Loan Fund (SRF) and a federal, low-interest loan through the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA). This presentation will discuss the technical aspects of the project (such as treatment techniques and challenges), the progressive design-build project delivery method, the financing of the project, and will discuss the current status of construction.
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the importance of Wichita's Water Treatment Facility
2. Understand water treatment basics, with blended water sources
3. Understand the design-build project delivery method
1 PDH (NY Approved)
NSPE Members: FREE
Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)
To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store.
Wed, Mar 8 2023 at 2:00 pm EST
Understanding the new requirements for Cybersecurity Insurance
Experience Level: Any level of experience
Cybersecurity insurers have adopted new requirements that organizations must have in place.
Learn how these requirements help your organization reduce cybersecurity threats and technology solutions that help your organizations comply with these requirements.
This webinar will explain the new requirements, how you can stay in compliance, and help reduce cybersecurity threats.
1. Understand most common cyber threats for businesses today.
2. Be prepared for obtaining/renewing cybersecurity insurance.
3. Learn modern ways to keep your business protected from cyber threats.
1 PDH (NY Approval Pending)
NSPE Members: FREE
Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)
To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store.
Ryan Peasley, MCSE,
Wed, Mar 22 2023 at 2:00 pm EDT
Using Construction Manager at Risk Project Delivery to Manage the Current Challenges in Constructing Projects
Experience Level: Any level of experience
The Engineer’s Joint Contract Documents Committee recently release its new Construction Manager at Risk Series of contract documents. These contract documents, written after the post-pandemic change in the Construction industry were written with the flexibility needed to help address current market trends of cost escalation for construction materials, supply chain issues, and changing strategies for risk management. Learn how these documents address issues such as getting the most out of preconstruction services, managing CMAR contingencies and the developing and managing the cost structure for CMAR compensation. Learn how collaboration between Owner, Engineer and CMAR can add value in managing cost and schedule, developing procurement strategies in today’s construction market, improve quality of contract documents through constructability reviews, and manage risk associated with project delivery. Understand how these documents, which cover the project from CMAR procurement through the correction period address differing state regulations related to procurement and CMAR contract administration.
Learning Outcomes:
•Gain an overview of the EJCDC Documents and how these documents are used in selecting the CMAR and administering the CMAR contract.
•Gain an understanding of how CMAR differs from the traditional project delivery approach.
•Learn ways the CMAR approach can benefit Owners in controlling cost, reducing the impacts of cost escalation for construction materials, reduce time for project delivery.
•Learn how CMAR can reduce project risk, and how identified risk are addressed in the Contract Documents.
1 PDH (NY Approved)
NSPE Members: FREE
Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)
To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store.
Coy M. Veach, P.E., CCM, Vice President
Wed, Sep 28 2022 at 2:00 pm EDT
What Separates Good Engineers From Great Engineers
Experience Level: Any level of experience
The question of what constitutes a great engineer as opposed to a good engineer was recently posed by an undergraduate engineering student at Temple University. I have spent a lot of time reflecting on this excellent question. It is obvious to include the fundamentals of their specific engineering field and the tools and processes of that specific engineering field. Perhaps it is also obvious to include common engineering experiences such as design reviews, project management (both traditional and agile), and financial analysis.
But what about the details of leading these engineering processes? Most of us what agree that how we execute a process is as important as using the correct process. What do we do when we need to lead these processes creatively? How do we find problems worth solving and how do we build a coalition to solve the problem. Do great engineers think in overall systems or in deep details? What exactly do we mean when we want engineers to think critically?
This webinar is my reflections on how to develop an answer to the question of what should a great engineer know, do, and be.
Learning Objective:
Break down exactly what is meant by critical thinking and apply it to the solution of engineering problems.
NSPE Members: FREE
Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)
To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store.
Dr. Thomas V Edwards, Jr, DPS, Chair, Department of Engineering, Technology, and Management
Wed, Sep 27 2023 at 12:00 am EDT
What Utilities Want Fleets to Know About Moving to Electric Vehicles
Experience Level: Any level of experience
I'll be helping the audience understand what to consider, from the utility perspective, when electrifying a fleet. I can help the audience understand what information the utility can offer and good questions to ask when starting the electrification journey. The attendees should take away a good list of questions to ask their utility, possible information and help a utility can offer and how to be prepared to engage with the utility when they are ready to move to electric vehicles. After the presentation the audience will be well versed in the utility's perspective on electric vehicles and the important role the utility has when business want to electrify their fleet. I will also discuss why it is important to bring the utility into the planning process as early as possible.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Why talk to the utility early
2. What questions to ask the utility to be most prepared
3. What information to be prepared to provide to the utility
4. What information can the utility provide to a business when thinking about electrifying
5. Utility things to consider when electrifying (cost, billing, charging off peak, interconnection agreements, energy efficiency, etc)
1 PDH (NY Approved)
NSPE Members: FREE
Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)
To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store.
Wed, Oct 11 2023 at 12:00 am EDT
What Your PE Signature and Stamp Says to Your Stakeholders
Experience Level: Any level of experience
This presentation intends to help both PEs and non-PEs best understand what it means for a PE to sign and stamp their work.
Each state will have specific requirements for placement of PE stamp, information to include with a PE Signature and other expected formats. This presentation seeks to inform an audience not currently involved in the PE Signature and Stamp process on the general nature of the process, from what to expect when signing, what the PE Signature and Stamp demonstrates when complete, and what to consider when assuming the role of PE over a previous PE’s work.
This presentation also seeks to guide engineering-related technical personnel (such as those that support "exempt” industry) from “ground-floor” (no process) to a successful PE Sign/Stamp process.
The presentation will highlight key topics from the resource "What a PE Says with their Signature and Stamp: A Resource for Professional Engineers”, recently published by NSPE to the general public.
Learning Outcomes:
Understand wholly the general nature of the process, from what to expect when signing, what the PE Signature and Stamp demonstrates when complete, and what to consider when assuming the role of PE over a previous PE’s work.
Better convey the importance of a PE Signature and Stamp to other audiences.
1 PDH (NY Approved)
NSPE Members: FREE
Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)
To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store.
To view NSPE's full catalog of webinars, visit the NSPE E-store.
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