Using Construction Manager at Risk Project Delivery to Manage the Current Challenges in Constructing Projects

Experience Level: Any level of experience

The Engineer’s Joint Contract Documents Committee recently release its new Construction Manager at Risk Series of contract documents. These contract documents, written after the post-pandemic change in the Construction industry were written with the flexibility needed to help address current market trends of cost escalation for construction materials, supply chain issues, and changing strategies for risk management. Learn how these documents address issues such as getting the most out of preconstruction services, managing CMAR contingencies and the developing and managing the cost structure for CMAR compensation. Learn how collaboration between Owner, Engineer and CMAR can add value in managing cost and schedule, developing procurement strategies in today’s construction market, improve quality of contract documents through constructability reviews, and manage risk associated with project delivery. Understand how these documents, which cover the project from CMAR procurement through the correction period address differing state regulations related to procurement and CMAR contract administration.

Learning Outcomes:

•Gain an overview of the EJCDC Documents and how these documents are used in selecting the CMAR and administering the CMAR contract.
•Gain an understanding of how CMAR differs from the traditional project delivery approach.
•Learn ways the CMAR approach can benefit Owners in controlling cost, reducing the impacts of cost escalation for construction materials, reduce time for project delivery.
•Learn how CMAR can reduce project risk, and how identified risk are addressed in the Contract Documents.

1 PDH (NY Approved)


NSPE Members: FREE

Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)

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Coy M. Veach, P.E., CCM

Vice President

Freese and Nichols, Inc.

Coy Veach, Vice President at Freese and Nichols, Inc., serves as senior consultant for the construction management and program management practices. He has an extensive background in construction contracting, program/construction management, and risk management. Coy is a recognized leader in project delivery methodologies, dispute resolution, quality management and training in ethics, leadership, and management.

Coy currently serves as Engineers Joint Contact Documents Committee delegate on the Construction, Design Build, and Procurement subcommittees. He serves as subcommittee chair for the new Construction Manager as Advisor (2021) and Construction Manager at Risk (2023) series documents.


Live event: 03/22/2023 at 2:00 PM (EDT) You must register to access.