Exploring Digital Twins in Water Industry

Experience Level: Any level of experience

Digital Twins in the Water industry is a growing arena and this presentation explains the basics of creating digital twins and their usage and application in the water industry.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Basics elements needed to build a system’s digital twin
2. Understanding basic steps involved in building a digital twin
3. Troubleshooting errors in building a digital twin
4. How to use the results of a digital twin

1 PDH (NY Approved)


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Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)

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Vineela Griddaluru

Water Resources Engineer


Vineela is a proficient Water Resources Engineer and a GISP with 13 years of professional experience. Her expertise over the years includes successfully developing numerous models of surface water hydrology and hydraulics (h&h), water distribution systems, storm water management, stream bank stabilization design,

dam breach analysis, and soil saturation analysis using GIS integrated1D, 1D-2D, and 2D modeling software. She developed flood models, Watershed Management Plans (WMPs), and Best Management Practices (BMPs) for plethora of watersheds, communities, cities, counties, and water management districts across the states of Florida, and Missouri. She provided extensive strategic asset management planning resolutions in water utility industry in the St. Louis Metropolitan region through comprehensive distribution system modeling. Vineela is a leading forerunner in the water industry’s forthcoming concept of future technology/ digital twins. She has successfully completed creating a functioning digital twin for one of the biggest water distribution network models of the Bentley’s Water Gems modeling software on its digital twin platform called Watersight.


Live event: 11/08/2023 at 2:00 PM (EST) You must register to access.