Doing Bad Things for Good Reasons: An Examination of Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior Among Professional Workers

Experience Level: Any level of experience

Unethical behavior in organizations can be extremely costly. It exposes firms to direct costs, such as fines, settlements, and legal expenses, as well as indirect costs like damage to the firm’s reputation. This presentation will examine when employees perform unethical acts to benefit the organization (i.e., unethical pro-organizational behavior), what factors contribute to it, and what professional engineering firms can do to reduce unethical behavior at work. Participants will leave with a specific, documented plan to reduce unethical behavior in their workplace, drawing upon the latest research and customizing solutions to their needs

Learning Outcomes:

•To understand unethical pro-organizational behavior and factors that contribute to it. 
•To understand strategies for mitigating the risk that professional workers will act unethically to benefit the organization.
•To understand the potential dark side, or unintended consequences, of professional workers identifying with their organization.

1 PDH (NY Approval Pending)


NSPE Members: FREE

Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)

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Kyle Payne, PhD


Quality Culture

Dr. Kyle Payne is a leadership consultant at Quality Culture, and he has fifteen years of experience driving process improvement and behavior change through training, coaching, and consulting. He draws upon his experience managing quality in the structural steel industry – building high-quality structures that stand the test of time in any environment – to building high-performing and continually-improving teams. As a researcher of organizational behavior, Kyle focuses on unethical behavior at work and examines the behaviors of "ethical followers” who have the courage to resist unethical behavior and call into question unethical thinking. 


Live event: 04/12/2023 at 2:00 PM (EDT) You must register to access.