Solving 21st Century Corporate Credentials Compliance Issues

Your corporate structure is well defined, but does it comply with jurisdiction requirements?  Understanding the complexity of 54 US jurisdictions with different regulations and international requirements can be an onerous exercise.  All forms of business structure from a Sole Proprietorship to a C Corp may have different compliance requirements from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.  As an example, certain detailed  jurisdiction statutes do not allow marketing professional services without licensure and business registration.  Gain corporate credentials compliance knowledge about how your firm may avoid significant financial consequences and public punishments. Learn how to maintain your prestigious professional image.    


Learning Outcomes:  1.  Learn how to identify and establish a well defined A/E professional corporate structure

2.  Understand the complexity of 54 US jurisdictions with different regulations and international requirements

3.  Learn how to avoid significant financial consequences and public punishments

4.  Improved problem solving skills after analyzing noncompliance case studies   

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Live event: 06/12/2019 at 2:00 PM (EDT) You must register to access.
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