How New PFAS Regulations will impact Water and Wastewater Utilities

Experience Level: Any level of experience

As you are likely already aware, there is much movement now from EPA about PFAS in water, wastewater, landfills, biosolids and industry.  EPA has recently updated its Lifetime Health Advisory limit for PFAS, has begun initiation of Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule 5 (UCMR5) with a focus on measuring PFAS in drinking water, and is laying the foundation for future regulation of PFAS in wastewater treatment through the NPDES program.  The new proposed PFAS drinking water MCLs are expected to finalize late 2023. Most water utilities will be complying with state and federal water quality regulations, but “the public is not going to be satisfied with these answers because a health advisory isn’t a binding regulation.” It is only a matter of time before we will have to comply with new PFAS regulatory requirements regarding this potential contaminant.  

Learning Outcomes:

1. What to expect from the EPA roadmap and timelines for upcoming legislation for wastewater and biosolids management
2. Solutions to the challenges of selecting a PFAS treatment system, permitting process, constructability, and operation including current PFAS waste disposal alternatives
3. Options for PFAS destruction technologies and associated costs

1 PDH (NY Approved)


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Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)

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Viraj deSilva, PhD, PE, BCEE

Treatment Process Leader

Freese & Nichols

His 30 years of experience on water and wastewater treatment projects across the U.S. and 12 other countries includes PFAS management and treatment projects for airports, landfills, municipalities, and other contaminated sites. He has been published in or presented at more than 292 industry journals and conferences, out of which 86 are PFAS related. Viraj currently serves as Chair of WEF’s PFAS Task Force and works closely with the national EPA PFAS Council, several EPA regional PFAS groups, and actively serves in a technical advisory role for five PFAS research projects in FL and NC.

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Live event: 09/13/2023 at 2:00 PM (EDT) You must register to access.