Engineers, Building Water Systems and Legionella: What You Need to Know

There is a renewed focus on the prevention of building-associated Legionnaires’ disease stemming from recent outbreaks, news reports and updated guidelines and standards, including ASHRAE Standard 188 and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.  The onus to address these requirements and implement water safety programs is on the building owners, however the expertise of a professional engineer is often required to support components of the program. This session will provide attendees with an understand of Legionella in building water systems and where the services of a professional engineer may support a water safety program in the prevention of disease.

Frank P. Sidari III, PE, BCEE

Chief Consulting Engineer

Special Pathogens Laboratory

Frank P. Sidari III, PE, BCEE is the Chief Consulting Engineer for Special Pathogens Laboratory. A professional and board-certified engineer, Sidari brings more than 20 years of experience in all phases of water engineering projects with a specialty in Legionella in building water systems. His experience includes both private and public water engineering projects. He published the first U.S. field evaluation of chlorine dioxide disinfection in a hospital water system for Legionella and continues to conduct field research on disinfection technologies for Legionella. Sidari is active in ASHRAE, ASHE, AWWA, AWT, and ASTM and participates on committees to advance water safety in building water systems.

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Live event: 06/24/2020 at 2:00 PM (EDT) You must register to access.
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