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Cross-Disciplinary Innovation: Applying New Technologies for Smart Transportation

As the founder and prime consultant of Forcing Function LLC, Girija has worked on both grant based research and commercial projects. This talk will focus on the 'why and how' of the projects that Forcing Function has undertaken using grant based research. Engineers need to be able to evolve and work with cross-disciplinary teams in order to provide innovative solutions to real world problems. The examples presented will show how new technologies like sensors, drones and Deep Learning can be applied across multiple disciplines to provide solutions in the world of Transportation.

Using 3 real world examples, I will walk the audience through the process of undertaking real world innovative engineering research and applications. The 3 projects are listed below:  

1. Predicting traction motor failure - involves using sensor data under ruggedized operating conditions  
2. Performing surface and sub-surface analysis of concrete lined tunnels using drone mounter LiDAR and GPR sensors  
3. Performing hardware and radio agnostic signal coverage analysis by applying Deep Learning to RF signals  
All 3 projects involve multi-disciplinary work and signal processing of collected data using ML/DL techniques.

PDH: 1
NY Approved

Girija Subramaniam, P.E.


Forcing Function LLC

Girija is the founder of a specialist consulting company, Forcing Function LLC, with over 25 years of experience in the technology sector in USA, UK, Canada and India. A practicing engineer, she has real world experience in 2 major industries - telecommunications and transportation. Girija's experience in the communication industry spans satellite systems, Voice-over-IP, Switching, Signal processing and vital safety-radio communication systems. Since 2011 Girijas has been serving as an SME in the rail industry for trackside and on-board integration of wired and wireless systems. She is currently using her unique cross-disciplinary experience to collaborate with startups and research agencies to design solutions for transportation. Girija has an undergraduate degree in Electronics Engineering from the University of Bombay and a graduate degree in Signal Processing and Communication Systems for the University of Virginia. She is licensed in Maryland and California and is currently the President and Social Media chair of her local engineering chapter.


Cross-Disciplinary Innovation: Applying New Technologies for Smart Transportation
Live event: 08/05/2021 at 2:00 PM (EDT) You must register to access.
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