Corporate Transparency Act: Open your wallet and put on the handcuffs

Includes a Live Web Event on 09/11/2024 at 2:00 PM (EDT)

Experience Level: Any level of experience

Participants will have an understanding of the questions to be asked to understand the applicability of the Corporate Transparency Act, to understand the reporting requirements, and to understand the consequences of noncompliance.  

Learning Outcomes:

1. Understand the applicability of the Corporate Transparency Act.

2. Understand the reporting requirements of the Corporate Transparency Act.

3. Understand the consequences of noncompliance with the Corporate Transparency Act.

4. Accept the warning that many CPAs are declining to provide support with these requirements; you'll need to know how to do it yourself, retain your foreign corporation agent to support you, or hire an attorney to support you.

1 PDH (NY Approved)


NSPE Members: FREE

Non-members: $75.00 (Join NSPE today and save on this purchase.)

To register, add this webinar to your shopping cart and check-out in the NSPE e-store

Rebecca A. Bowman, Esq., P.E., D.F.E.

Senior Director for Ethics and Professional Practice

National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE)

Rebecca A. Bowman, Esq., P.E. is the 36-year principal of a woman-owned business in forensic civil engineering, dispute resolution, real estate, and legal services. She is a registered professional engineer, licensed attorney, and a certified arbitrator, mediator, and Christian conciliator.   She received her B.S. degree in civil engineering from the University of North Dakota, her M.B.A. degree from Oklahoma University, and her J.D. degree from Duquesne University. Mrs. Bowman recently joined the National Society of Professional Engineers as the Senior Director for Ethics and Professional Practice.  She also serves as the Executive Director for the National Academy of Forensic Engineers. 


Live event: 09/11/2024 at 2:00 PM (EDT) You must register to access.